Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Signs YOU are in a WRONG JOB.

If they do not tell you what the future is, there is none. 
There is no good reason to hide the bright future of the company or your own from you.
They do not give you credit for your work. 
This is a terrible sign, all possible explanations are bad for you.
You have nothing more to learn
Every job needs to lead to the next. If there is no opportunity to get new skills and obtain new knowledge, then the job is a dead end. "If you are the smartest person in the room, you are in the wrong room".
Weak leadership with no vision, no strategy or no ability to execute. 
It is just a matter of time that the ship goes under.
They say their main responsibility is a shareholder value. 
The shareholder value is the responsibility of the board. Strong leaders focus on products, clients and, first and foremost, their employees. Shareholder value as the first priority is a sure indication of very short term thinking.
Your immediate manager does not give you enough feedback and guidance, or has little interest in what you are doing. 
S/he is not asking enough questions, does not spend much time with you or, worse, avoiding you.
Your immediate manager is micro-managing you and your decisions. 
Whether it is a question of trust or over-control does not matter.

Count the number of signs above that apply to you. If any apply, it is time to take this call.
If more than one sign applies, it is time to make this call yourself.
You may get a counter offer from your current employer. Do not take it. Do not buy a round trip ticket to the point of no return. The extra money is not going to change any of the factors above.
When they ask old people about their regrets, the number one regret is not about anything they did. It is about things they did NOT do - did not take the opportunity, did not pursue their dream.
We are in control of our future. Life is too short to do something you do not like.